Born in 1970 in Paris, Christophe Michaud developed a passion for books at an early age. Avid reader, he devours books and makes the Beaugrenelle library his headquarters. This passion for books inevitably led him to become a bookseller.
He practised this profession with conviction before being confronted with the fall of traditional bookshops in the 1990s. He went back to school to study publishing, but he discovered geography, which changed his vision of the world. He then decided to change his objectives to become an urban planner. He moved to Creuse, then to Vienne, and worked in this field for ten years before switching to information systems.
He started writing in 2011 and became interested in the Lovecraftian universe, which he brought to life in the CODEX MEMORIÆ series. While these books, illustrated by Sumit Roy, offer an immersive experience through their original layout, it is the clash of the two greatest mythologies of all time that delights readers.
With the "Récit fantastique" collection, short stories in pocket format, he explores historical and social issues.
À travers Dessine et raconte, il propose aux artistes en herbe de développer leur imagination en s'amusant à dessiner et raconter.
After a year of writing, testing and rewriting, the first draft of "Sacrifice of the Gods" is finally ready. The illustrations give the book the desired character and atmosphere. However, the layout is not adapted, too modern. It was therefore a complete redesign to give it a notebook look with a typewriter typography that was finally chosen.
Originally, the book was intended to be distributed in digital format only. However, the facilities of print-on-demand made it possible to try and see what a book in paper format would look like. The result is amazing! The Sacrifice of the Gods will therefore be published in a much-appreciated paper edition at the end of 2012.
The desire to continue writing after the small success of Sacrifice of the Gods encouraged Christophe Michaud to imagine a story where the main character is an amnesic. The Quine's sanitarium takes shape and Le sacrifice des âmes du Purgatoire is published in 2015.
The concept of a logbook is abandoned in favour of a two-part narrative. Illustrations by the author make the editing process long and complicated, but the result is appealing to the reader.
In 2017, a small collection of fantasy stories in pocket format allows Christophe Michaud to let his imagination run wild. These short stories deal with various subjects from a fantastic angle.
After careful consideration, the decision was made to put The Sacrifice of the Gods in the Codex Memoriæ series. This was not the only change. Indeed, the graphic production being too time-consuming, it was decided to call upon Sumit Roy, a talented illustrator.
The Sacrifice of the Gods, will only change the cover, the interior illustrations going well with the look of the logbook. The Sacrifice of the Souls in Purgatory will be entirely illustrated by Sumit. This graphic approach makes the production simpler and the matching of text and image easier.
The third part of the dreamlike adventures of the Holy Office investigator will be released in August 2019. The emphasis is on a thriller aspect. The illustrations by Sumit Roy once again support the text. Extensive research into the Paris "Les Halles" (fresh food market until 1971) was carried out to capture the Parisian atmosphere of the time.
L'envie de créer un ouvrage pour les enfants tarabuste Christophe depuis longtemps. Un concept ludique, simple à mettre œuvre, émerge peu à peu.
En combinant des éléments extrêmement simplifiés entre eux, l'enfant est à même de renouveler ses dessins et de progresser. Le système de dé à jouer est intégré pour apporter de la diversification et renouveler l'expérience. Associé à un guide des couleurs et un système simplifié pour raconter une histoire, l'enfant a tout ce qu'il faut pour construire sa propre bande dessinée.