The sacrifice of flame

For Marcel, building a small routine life is a salvation when you don't know who you are, when you need to find your bearings, to gain autonomy, but it cannot last. There is a break when, during his morning walk, he observes the police pulling a corpse out of the water. Details disturb and obsess him to the point of taking reckless risks to investigate. Everything seems to come to a head when he accidentally crosses paths with Alwine, a prostitute whom he tries to protect from a gang of henchmen who want her back. Adding one's two cents upset the well-oiled machine of his routine will reveal theanaïrês who hides deep inside him. Between chaos and determinism, he will experience the cruelty of free will...

The Sacrifice of the Flame is the third volume in the Codex Memoriæ series.


Dans le Paris des années 30, Marcel vous emmène à la recherche d’un assassin qui noie ses victimes dans la Seine. Son enquête le conduira à faire des choix insensés en se faisant passer pour ce qu’il n’est pas, ou… était… ou pensait être…